Nidderdale & Pateley Bridge Men’s Shed C.I.O. [“Pateley Shed”] aims to reduce rural isolation and loneliness amongst men in the Nidderdale area who are retired or unemployed for whatever reason. Our key driver is providing a renewed sense of purpose and belonging thereby improving well-being amongst our beneficiaries.
Men’s Sheds are essentially work-shops where men construct things and at the same time make new friendships and develop support groups.
Men typically find it more difficult to build social connections than women, and rarely share personal concerns or worries. “Sheds” can provide a comfortable and safe space to do so.
Thanks to many generous donations we have a large collection of hand tools while success in obtaining grants has enabled us to buy power tools and larger items to enable members to complete activities they could not do at home.
We also carry out community projects for other local organisations, building picnic tables, bird boxes and refurbishing old washing mangles and listed Grade 2 Mile Posts.
Please feel free to drop in any time for a chat, we are open 09:30 – 13:00 Mon, Wed and Friday mornings. You can find us behind St Cuthbert’s primary school, Pateley Bridge, off the driveway into the King Street Workshops, HG3 5LE.
The NiddArt Trail is a showcase of art and creative work by the local artists, crafts people and makers of Nidderdale and surrounding areas
With thanks to our Sponsors: